Our Blogs

Effect Of Smog
Advances in technology have allowed dairy farmers to imporve the quality of life their flocks. check out some..
Technology In Dairy Farming
Advances in technology have allowed dairy farmers to imporve the quality of life their flocks. check out some..
At Genus ABS we are dedicated to partnering with farmers of all sizes, to transform how they nourish the world through genetics. One of our pillars of Sustainability is Genetic progress. This can lead to things like reduction in animal diseases and suffering, less use of antibiotics, less production of methane, and more protein from fewer animals resulting in less environmental impact and ensuring our animals are resilient to climates and cultures. We believe it is our responsibility as part of the larger food system to help farmers raise the healthiest animals around the world for sustainable production of meat and milk.
Lifetime Carbon Footprint of ABS Sires’s Daughters was developed by Genus ABS scientists and shows a positive trend that the genetics we are trying to create within Genus ABS are more profitable and more sustainable
Better fertility. Better genetics. For every climate
Sexcel® has also proven to work in extreme tropical climates. Sexcel® will provide more pregnancies of higher genetic merit calves, for every climate. A sire’s sexed fertility is not impacted by where in the world his genetics are used. This makes it the ideal choice for Farms looking to use our Sexcel® and Beef InFocus™ strategy.A Sexcel® and Beef InFocus™ strategy enables you to deliver unbeatable, step-changing genetic progress for your dairy herd. This Winning Game Plan provides a higher conception rate* and increases the value of your beef cash calf crop.
“Sustainability is part of our core message, we want to enable our customers to produce more from less”.